
Friday 30 March 2012


WOW! Oktapodi was a good film. It was about two octopuses in love. 

When the chef came he took the female. The chef took the octopus because he wanted his restaurant to be the best of them all. The male octopus took charge and ran after the van. When he got on the van the chef got a fright and attacked the male octopus. The dangerous battle begun. The chef and the male octopus were fighting over the female octopus.
The male octopus was fighting for his lover and the chef was fighting for his restaurant. The male octopus got his lover back. Then they fell back in LOVE...

Friday 23 March 2012

Year 5 / 6 Camp

Last week was fun because I went kayaking at Pt England beach and I crashed into the teachers boat. I told him to get out of the way but he did not move so I hoped out of the kayak and went for a swim.

On the first night we watched the Dr Ben Carson movie. When it was finished the year five and six students went to their tents and started giggling ,talking ,and munching on food. Who ever talked had to run around the field twenty times. That was what one of the helpers said and then he said it in the morning when I was still sleeping.

In the middle of the night I got in trouble because I was talking . My partner said that I was just sleep talking and she told me all about what I said. She said that I said mummy and i was scratching my neck.

Early in the morning I got out of my tent . On the grass part of the tent there was water dripping . When I went into my tent , Me and my partner were the ones eating when people were asleep, we were eating oreos. We went back to sleep, then my partner woke me up again. She started telling me scary stories and started kicking me so I told her to leave me alone. So we both went to sleep and woke up really early in the morning to do jump jam.

On Friday after we went to swimarama we went on the bus to school and then we went back home.

Friday 9 March 2012

Blindfold Experience

On Monday morning room 14 went to the hall for a Blind fold Experience. I got scared when it was my turn. By the time I got to the stage I was about to fall of the stage so my partner Nikki helped me and then I jumped of the stage and on to the mattress. I sat on the floor quietly and waited for my next turn.
On my next turn I got scared again because my partner pushed me of the stage on to the mattress and then suddenly I got a fright. So then I screamed and sat back on the floor.

When I was watching other people have their turn one person got injured and that boy was Paul he went down to the office and got an ice pack. I saw a person walked in to the wall and that was Josephine, her partner told her to walk up the stage and she fell over.

When I was looking at people, some people started to get pushed by their partner so I thought that person might of got angry. Some people climbed on to the tackling bag and some people crawled under the tarpaulin and back on the floor.

That hole time people fell of the stage and walking into the wall because our whole class were wearing blindfolds so they wont see. All you can see is yellow, it was pretty scary so I was looking a little bit but not much. I was looking a little bit because I got worried.

Then room 14 walked back to class quietly and got our lunch. After lunch we got back inside and looked at the projector and talked about what we did.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Netball Day1!!!!!

This morning a wonderful lady called Jenna tort room 14 how to play net ball by doing passes ,chest passes ,over head passes ,and side passes and at the end of the game we played rob the nest and i was in broncos and broncos won and the silver ferns lost because they thought that broncos were cheating but we weren't but silver ferns lost because my friend in that group kept on dropping the ball

new vision board

1. I want to be healthy and fit so i can do a lot of sports.
2. I want to be strong so when some one comes to me and be mean to me i can just say go away i don't like that that is very mean.
4. i want to be good at work so i can get more achievements .
5. i want to be good at maths so i can learn my time tables.
6. i want to spend time with my family and go for a picnic at the beach.
7. i want to improve more work then less work so i can be smart.
8. i want to be good at reading and writeing so i can write and read.

Friday 2 March 2012

Great Things Take Time

Did you know that J.K Rowling has sold 450 million books. Guess what? J.K Rowling planned edited and wrote her first book that took her more then five years. J.K Rowling has planned her writing and what she is going to write.

When J.K Rowling made her first book, she would organise what she was going to write and edit, check, and plan her work. When J.K Rowling makes her books she will never rush but she will take her time because if J.K Rowling rushes her work she will have mistakes and she might forget to edit her work and J.K Rowling has to plan her work.

When I write I need to make sure that I edit my work and brainstorm. I need to think like J.K Rowling!