
Friday 25 May 2012

Swimming Recount

Swimming Recount

  • On Monday ,Tuesday ,Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday i did not go swimming because i had conjunctivitis so I just had to watch.

    When my friends in group, were swimming I was cheering for them so they can all catch up to each other .

    When everybody got to the pools they got changed ,had a shower and wait for the instructor to tell them when to hop inside the pool.

    I saw my friends doing back strokes, rocket arms, brain goggle cheek, and tiliting their heads.

    I think that everybody in my class did well everybody needed to go swimming so they can learn how to survive.                                                                  

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Gone Fishing On Mothers day

                                Mothers, Day
On Mother’s day it was fun because we got to go fishing. When we went fishing my cousin Joey caught a baby fish so my mum told her to throw it back in the water because it was only a baby.

They only wanted to catch the big fish. My mum caught a big fish that look like a snapper .

I did not catch any fish only my mum and my cousin caught the fish and we also had seven fish because this lady threw five fish to us and my cousin and my mum caught one each.

My favorite part of mother's day is when my cousins and i went for a swim in the rain at the beach when we were catching fish.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

A bowl of rice

  1. rice belongs to the grass family
  2. the drooping fronds at the top of the stalks hold the seeds of the rice plant. These seeds are the grains of rice that we eat. Rice is a cereal, like wheat and other grains used for food.
  3. Rice plants grow in fields that have been flooded with water, called paddy fields. The stalk of a rice plant is hollow like a straw. It soaks up water through the roots.

Friday 4 May 2012

Andy Warhol Style of Art

Did you know that Andy Warhol decided to silk print images of Marilyn Monroe? He used bright colours for her face, her hair, and her lips eyes and ears.

Andy Warhol choose Marilyn Monroe because he wanted to use her for his pop art. Pop art means popular people, places, and things. Andy Warhol is an american artist. He even decided to silk screen images of Mohammed Ali and use bright colors and dark colors.

Every outline Andy Warhol used was bold it was also black. Andy Warhol style of art is pop art. Andy Warhol screen printed celebrities and supermarket products. Andy Warhol’s art looks colorful and he uses opposite colors when he silk screens. When he finishes silk printing there  are a lot of colors.

My favorite part of Andy Warhol is his art work is excellent. He uses all the bright and dark colours.