
Friday 29 June 2012

Christian refection


I've learnt to make presentations and posting it on my blog.
The thing I did well is showing my work in different ways.
The thing I did not so well is that when I read a book I get to lazy and I only read a little bit.
The thing I am going to improve next term is getting my brain working instead of being lazy.  


This term I have learnt my tidy tens.
I haven't been taking my time
Next term I have to take my time.

I have learnt to make a time lapse animation about andy warhol’s style of art and that is called pop art
The thing that I did well is making a time lapse animation.
I think that I did not so well is rushing so I can come first.
Next term I am going to do good for my report.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

PES Gallery of Fine Arts

When I walked into the art gallery I felt excited because I wanted to see everybodys art and frames. It was so fun and cool.

I saw room 14  and room 15’s artwork. In room 14s’ artwork they had lots of  bright colours and they swapped the colours around and they were awesome.

My favorite part of the art gallery was the music it sound like jazz. : ] and I liked room 14’s art.

I wish I can visit next time.


Thursday 21 June 2012


My favorite part about P.E.P.A is the models inc because they were wearing nice dresses and they were wearing make up and  they got their hair straightened ready for the P.E.P.A SHOW CASE. They were strong enough to show their passion and their beauty to the school and their family.

I think that they did well and Mrs Bark's daughter showed those girls how to do their own make up , their hair and how to do the catwalk. They were one of my favourite groups in P.E.P.A
I wanna watch P.E.P.A. again because I liked it. They were cool.


Wednesday 20 June 2012


Last week room 14 and room 17 went to youth town.

It was fun because we made clay sculptures. When we made clay sculptures we needed to use the slip and the clay of course and we needed to rough out the edges and make some patterns to put inside our clay sculptures. 

When we used the glass we had to use the spoons to get it out in case we cut ourselves. I made a heart with two lines at the end of it then I got excited.

Then we went in to the heated swimming pool. It was fun.  I was swimming and playing with my friends. But then I got tired.

We went back to school on the noisy bus and my leader was Alarzae’s dad Tamati and Yvette was Rave’s mum.  

It was fun going to youth town I wish I could go there again and visit.

Friday 15 June 2012

Andrew Warhola's Biography

I really enjoy looking at the bright colours and bold lines that are used for Andy Warhol’s art. Warhol was a pop artist who was full of life and talent.

Andy Warhol was born in the United States of America and he was born in 1928. Andy Warhol's parents were born in slovakia. Slovakia is a small country.

Warhol had a disease called chorea and  he had that the disease when he was 8. When he had that the disease he had to stay in bed. When he had to stay in bed he did drawing ,he listened to the radio, and he collected picture when his mum gave him magazines to cut out the pictures.

His mum helped him. If Warhol colored in a page each day then his mother would give him a chocolate bar. Warhols real name was Andrew Warhola.

He went to Schenley High School. Andy did not have many friends because he was quiet  and had shockingly pale skin and had white blonde hair. He loved to go to the movies and started a collection of celebrity photos. He also got shot three times in the chest by Valerie.

Art reflection two

Art Reflection Two

Your Task: To paint your photo using the colours you have chosen. Use your final draft to help you figure out what four colours you need for your backgrounds.

1. How do you feel about the work you did? Why?

I felt nervous because I did a lot of mistakes but I can do better next time.

2. What do you feel that you did well? Why?

I mix the water with the paint well because I did not use too much water
I got my draft and practice on someone eles face so I won't get it wrong.

3. What do you feel you did not so well? Why?

I felt nervous because I made a lot of mistakes so I had to get the tissues and do it again.

4. What would you do differently next time? Why?

I think that I that I should do better next time.

Give yourself a rating out of   10  /10

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Partly Cloudy

In the morning room 14 watched a short film called partly cloudy. This short film was made by pixar. Pixar is part of Disney.
It was about babies, clouds, and storks.The storks were the birds that were dropping of their babies at the right door steps. But there was one cloud that was apart from all the other clouds he was a sad and lonely cloud.But there was only one stook that cheered him up and that was his his worker.

Then the cloud got sad because his worker went to the other cloud for some protection because the sad and lonely cloud kept on giving the stook dangerous babies that were animals.

When the stook went to the other cloud to get some protection the cloud fort that  he wanted to work for the other cloud. So the stook came back with his things so he work with the dangerous babies so then the cloud got happy and the end of the short film.

And the other clouds were making cute puppies and kittens and also human babies. And the main cloud is gus and the main stook is peck.

The main message is true friendship. I would recommend my family to watch this short film to know what friendship is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
Link to short film:

Art Reflection One

How do you feel about the work you did? Why?

I felt nervous because i didn't plan my colours so I made heaps of mistakes.

What did you do Good? Why

The thing that I did good is using another draft.

What did you do Bad? Why?

I did not plan my colours so when i went to go colour in my t shirt was blue and my other t shirt was blue

What would you do differently next time? Why?

plan my colors get another draft and pick hell many colours i need.

Give yourself a rating out of 8 /10

Tuesday 5 June 2012

My Pop Art Movie By Christian

I made a Pop Art animation of myself. I used the same colours just like Andy Warhol did.  I hope you enjoy my movie.