
Thursday 11 July 2013

The man eating dogrilla

Title: Something brushed up against my foot and my surprise turned to horror as I looked down and saw a man eating gorilla.

It was a beautiful day with the sun shining and it was a good day to go for a sunny walk. I was walking on the side walk with happiness hoping it would stay sunny.

As I was walking home my surprise
turned to horror when I heard someone screaming . I was running home with fear thinking in my head who is out there. I got home and watched the news I saw on the news a man eating half gorilla and half dog. I got really scared hoping it wouldn't come to me. I went outside and the screaming stopped. I went outside to see if everyone was alright then something brushed up against my foot was a man eating half gorilla and half dog I was running with fear and screaming Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

The animals name was called the man eating dogrilla, It started chasing me and followed me all around the street trying to eat me but I found a dark place where no one can see me not even the dogrilla. But he can smell people by their fear. So I had a terrible fear that will attract him. I was crying and screaming then the dogrilla chased me again and then I stop to face my fear and it came to me opening it’s mouth ready to eat me.

So I went up to the dogrilla and started smacking it buns with the other dogrillas watching me . They looked at me and I was like do you wanna piece of me and they or ran away  crying and then I found the people locked in a cave so I had a key that can open anything and then I saved the street.

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