
Thursday 28 March 2013

Christian The Black Beard Pirate

Plan: Name:Christian the blackbeard pirate. Ugly, funny, mean, smelly.

Title: Christian the blackbeard pirate.

There once lived a mean, ugly, smelly and funny pirate. Her name was called  Blackbeard. She was so smelly you can smell her from New Zealand to America. She was so mean that she ate her bird and got a new one the was vicious and ugly. No one liked her because she stole everyone's treasure. But she didn't even use it she just threw it in the bin. Everybody hated her because she was poor,  mean, scary, and ugly. She was so poor she had to eat toilet paper and her animals just like her last pet kaka beak the ugly bird.

Then she said this means war. Then she spoke to her bird and said they're just jealous because I have a black beard and they have nothing but treasure. She said get the cannons ready so they won't take my beard then she started crying. When she leaned over and said stop trying to blow my head of just to get my beard. She suddenly fell out of the boat and into the water. She started drowning so ‘she’ said to the other pirates help me and I will stop taking your treasure.

‘they’ had a deal but if they can get blackbeards beard. So they had a deal, and black beard had to shave her beard of to be alive but she was still poor so they offered her a fortune and they all lived happily ever after.

1 comment:

Dolphin Trigem said...

I like it. thanks very much.

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